Tuesday, 28 August 2012



Have you ever wondered why Coke comes with a smile? Its because it gets you high. They took the cocaine out almost a hundred years ago. You know why? It was redundant.
In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don't immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.

20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There is plenty of that at this particular moment)

40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a
response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenine receptors in your brain  are now blocked preventing drowsiness.

45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain.
This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.

>60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.

>60 Minutes: The caffeines diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now
assured that youll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well
as sodium, electrolyte and water.

>60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you'll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You've also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.

This will all be followed by a caffeine crash in the next few hours. (As little as two if youre a smoker.)
But, hey, have another Coke, itll make you feel better. 

The phosphoric acid present in soft drink competes with the hydrochloric acid of the stomach
and affects its functions. When the stomach becomes ineffective, food remains undigested
causing indigestion, gassiness or bloating.

Kidneys are less able to excrete phosphoric acid when it is in excess. Thus, there is extra work
for the kidneys.

Soft drinks remove Calcium from the body, causing an excess amount of Calcium that tends to be deposited in the kidney, resulting in kidney stones.

Drinking too much soda (approximately five cans a day according to a USDA research study) has been shown to upset the body's calcium/phosphorus ratio. Under these circumstances, the body attempts to maintain balance by drawing calcium from bone. Over time, bones can become fragile and more susceptible to fractures.

Acidic blood affects the action of glutathione, which is an antioxidant enzyme.

Phosphoric acid, present in carbonated drinks de-oxidizes blood. In detergent manufacturing
industries, phosphoric acid is used to produce water softener. Water softener removes Ca+ and Mg + ion from hard water. In human body, the function remains the same by removing Ca+ from bones causing osteoporosis.

And from the National Library of Medicine, one study found that the consumption of soft drinks
with phosphoric acid should be considered as an independent risk factor for hypocalcemia in postmenopausal women. And this from the same source: After analyzing published papers about soft drinks use, and to describe possible health benefits, risks, and damages related to soft drink consumption . . .

Ninety nine papers reporting health-related damages or benefits in clinical or experimental studies were reviewed. . . .There were reports on 25 harmful effects and of 7 possibly beneficial effects.Data are classified in prophylactic and therapeutic uses, dental caries and other dental disorders,mineral metabolism disorders, acid-peptic disease, neoplasm, risk factors for cardiovascular disease, effects on central nervous system, reproduction, allergy, and miscellaneous.

CONCLUSIONS: High prevalence of exposure and excessive consumption of soft drinks may represent a public health problem. Data analysis shows that soft drink consumption may not be as harmless as generally believed
courtsey: http://www.inspiredliving.com/health/a~coke.htm

Monday, 27 August 2012


Everyone loves the movies, but no one has time to see every movie that comes out. Inevitably, there are movies that fall through the cracks, and you just never get around to seeing them. Fortunately, we’ve taken the time to let you know of 10 movies that you’ve likely heard of but probably missed. Put these on your “to rent” list, and thank us later.

10. The Sweet Hereafter (1997)

A terrible school bus accident in a small town – might not sound like the most exciting film, but it sure makes for good drama. Atom Egoyan directed a strong cast led by Ian Holm, Bruce Greenwood, and future Away From Her director Sarah Polley. Tensions between grieving parents and an opportunistic lawyer encouraging the filing of a class action lawsuit drive the film, and the film rewards you by not simply providing the same old story. Might not be the happiest film you’ve ever watched, but it’s certainly worth a view (the nice people at Cannes agreed).

9. Ghost World (1998)

You know the name Scarlett Johansson now, but you didn’t know it very well in 2001 when this film came out. She and Thora Birch (the girl from American Beauty) star in this comedy based upon Daniel Clowes’ wildly popular graphic novel (high-class comic book). This movie is about two teenage girls who are not in sync with the world that surrounds them, and they provide a running commentary on that world, until an unconventional love interest (the always great Steve Buscemi, who won an American Spirit Award for this role) for one of them throws a monkey wrench into the works.

8. Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (2007)

This film boasts an absolute all-star team: Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Ethan Hawke, Marisa Tomei, Albert Finney — with Sidney Lumet directing. The essential plot is that two brothers in desperate financial straits plan to rob their parents’ jewelry store, but there is so much more than that (and any further discussion here would spoil it for you, which would just be wrong). Adding to the strength of this film is the fact that the complex and multi-layered story is presented in a compelling non-chronological fashion. Lumet returns to the form of his earlier classics The Verdict and Serpico, and the acting is flat-out fantastic. Why this movie did not do better in the theaters is beyond us (and we don’t think that the sight of Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s butt – yes, you read that right – was the reason).

7. Walking & Talking (1996)

Independent films are hard to find these days…at least actual independent films, not ones put out by the arm of a major studio. In the 1990s, though, truly independent films still existed, and writer-director Nicole Holofcener’s second film fits that bill. If you are looking for an action movie, you should move on. But if you want excellent character studies and charming, witty dialogue (and you enjoy Catherine Keener, Anne Heche, or Liev Schreiber), then this is your movie. Yes, the film is filled with dialogue-heavy scenes, but that is the very reason that this movie has such a strong fan base – you actually care about these people, because you know them (if you are not one of them).

6. Barcelona (1994)

Picking a Whit Stillman film to include is difficult, even though he has only directed three. His first, Metropolis, was in the vein of Walking and Talking, with verbal wit and deeply developed characters taking the place of a lot of action (and it worked well). Barcelona had a bit more action to it than most independent films (which isn’t really saying much), but the treasure here is an adept and flexible cast, led by Stillman stalwarts Taylor Nichols and Chris Eigeman, whose articulate conversations on mundane subjects make you wish you talked like that. The basic plot concerns men (one a businessman working in his company’s Barcelona office, and the other his Naval officer cousin) trying to find love in a foreign country in the early 1980s, but such a simple description of this indie classic is almost an insult. It is (as with so many on this list) a multi-layered character study, and the language and humor don’t feel dated. If you’ve traveled overseas, you will appreciate the cultural commentary (equally aimed at both the visitors and the hosts), but the dialogue and story would have worked in any setting.

5. Mute Witness (1994)

This suspense thriller was filmed in Moscow with a nearly all-European cast (and has old Ben Kenobi himself, Sir Alec Guinness, in one of his last roles). It’s the story of three Americans who find themselves in a dangerous situation that is beginning to spin out of their control. One of them, Billy (Russian actress Marina Sudina), is a mute makeup artist working on a low-budget slasher film — locked in the broken-down film studio late at night, she thinks she witnesses the making of a snuff film, which causes a terror-filled night to occur. This one has drawn comparisons to the work of Brian DePalma and Hitchcock, so it’s definitely worth a look.

4. In Bruges (2008)

This is the movie that so many others wanted to be: a comedy/crime and action thriller taking place in a European setting — that kicked some serious ass. Don’t be fooled by any previews you might have seen – this is not simply Pulp Fiction in Belgium – it is a fast-paced, funny, thrill-a-minute roller coaster that will keep you watching. It was only given a limited release in the United States (much wider in Britain and Europe), but those who saw it loved it (including critics). Need more proof? Colin Farrell won a Golden Globe Award, and screenplay writer Martin McDonagh won a BAFTA (the British Oscar).

3. Lone Star (1996)

Director John Sayles paints a rich and nuanced picture of Texas border town life in this movie, but that is only half the story. Chris Cooper stars as a small town sheriff attempting to solve the decades-old murder of one of his predecessors (and realizing that it just might be his father, who then became sheriff after the disappearance of the other). Kris Kristofferson and Matthew McConaughey portray the previous sheriffs in a series of flashbacks that provide the background for this multi-layered (again, we have to use the word) and complex story, addressing concerns such as race, family history, socioeconomic development, and personal identity. Chris Cooper and Elizabeth Peña give subtle and understated performances that provide a deep understanding of the characters and their motivation for making the difficult choices that have led them to this point. At its core, this movie is a murder mystery, but it’s unlike any mystery you’ve seen.

2. Runaway Train (1985)

You might be wondering why a movie about a runaway train (hence the title) is listed as number two – how great could it really be? Really great. Jon Voight (who was nominated for an Oscar, and won the Golden Globe for best actor), Rebecca DeMornay, and Eric Roberts star in this classic. It really is a basic plotline, in which Voight and Roberts are two convicts who have escaped from a maximum security prison in Alaska, and hop a train headed for the “Lower 48,” but their trip turns terrifying when (as the title clearly states) they are on a runaway train without brakes or an engineer (DeMornay plays a female railroad worker along for this terror ride). As with the other movies on this list, this movie delivers because its characters are well-developed – we don’t have to like these guys to be emotionally invested in their fates.

1. Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai (1999)

Forest Whitaker is an Oscar-winning actor and director, who has enjoyed a long and successful career. This movie, much less known than his other films, explains why Whitaker has had that success. Whitaker stars as the “Ghost Dog,” a mafia hitman who adheres to the ancient code of the samurai (outlined in Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai, which is featured heavily throughout the film). Director Jim Jarmusch is nothing if not a quirky visionary, and he is at his quirky best here. How many times have you heard a crime thriller be described as existential? This movie defies labels, but the beautifully-shot scenes (particularly that of a night drive than can only be described as transcendent) remind you that you are watching artists create….well….art. Critics gave this movie high praise, and it has a very strong (if limited) fan base.



All over the world people believe that to achieve change we must gather as one force against a cause or issue. It is said that the proof is in numbers. Protestors believe that the larger the group, the more serious politicians will take their demands or complaints. So they gather in the streets for hours, days and sometimes weeks, waiting for change. Demonstrations are never predictable. Some can be peaceful and end without violence. Then there are those that have a casualty toll as large as a war. There have been demonstrations for everything from change in the economy to ending the war. These top 10 demonstrations are examples of the cause and effect of political decision making.

10. Occupy Wall Street

On September 17th 2011, Occupy Wall Street began as a small group of peaceful protestors, Canadian activist group known by Adbusters, wanting to voice their opinions on social and financial equality, government corruption and corporate greed. The occupy movement began in New York City’s Wall Street Financial District and has started the spread of occupy movements in 70 major cities across the US and over 600 communities in the United States. The “Occupy” movement to date has reached over 900 cities worldwide. Their ultimate goal is to achieve equal distribution of income, better jobs, less or no profit for banks and to reduce the influence that financial firms and other corporations of that type to have on politics. The movement has been supported by celebrities such as Roseanne Barr, Filmmaker Michael Moore and Rapper Lupe Fiasco. Activist and Actor Mark Ruffalo had been quoted to say, “Peaceful Resistance.” This is what changes the world. We must be peaceful. This movement is about decency.” As of October 27, 2011, Occupy Wall Street has received upwards of $500,000 in donations. Occupy Wall Street demonstrates the strength in numbers and will continue to receive support from those with the same values and hope for change.

9. Arab Spring

On December 18th 2010, revolutionary demonstrations and protests began in the Arab world. Revolutions have occurred in Tunisia and Egypt. A civil war erupted in Libya which eventually resulted in the fall of its regime and the death of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. There have also been civil uprisings and major protests in Syria, Yemen, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan and Morocco followed by minor protests in Kuwait, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. The protests have involved techniques such as strikes, demonstrations, marches and rallies. They have also found ways to utilize social media to raise awareness of the state attempts of repression. Arab Spring has been one of the unfortunate demonstrations to involve violence from authorities and pro-government militia against the demonstrators resulting in multiple injuries and deaths. Demonstrators in the Arab world have adapte the slogan ash-shab-yurid isquat an-nizram which translates to say “the people want to bring down the regime.”

8. Protest Against the Iraq War

In 2002, Protests simultaneously began in cities worldwide to protest the Iraq war. Lasting through the beginning of the Iraq invasion in 2003, protestors rallied in what was considered to be the biggest global peace movement since the Vietnam War. However, just as a group of protestors began to grow so did the number of people who were against the anti-war movement. By February 15, 2003, millions gathered to protest in approximately 800 cities around the world. In 2004, it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest protest in human history. By January 27, 2007, there were upward of ten-thousand people protesting in Washington D.C. To date anti-war rallies are still being launched throughout the U.S. against the invasion of Iraq. Although many protestors have been arrested, there were no outbursts of violence.

7. Aids Coalition to Unleash Power

In March of 1987, Larry Kramer (resigned co-founder of the GMHC) gave a speech to an audience who were focused on action against the AIDS pandemic. The AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power better known as ACT UP was formed as the result of this gathering. ACT UP is now an international direct action group who look to impact the lives of the people living with AIDS. On March 24, 1987 protestors gathered on Wall Street to demand access to experimental AIDS drugs and efforts from the government towards fighting the spread of the disease. 17 members were arrested during this demonstration labeled as civil disobedience. The following year ACT UP returned, larger than the year before and 100 people were arrested. Although there are still demonstrations today in the fight for AIDS research and medical treatment, the initial ACT UP organization has dwindled and branch off into several small organizations including ACT UP/Golden Gate currently known as Survive AIDS.

6. March for Life

Every year since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in Roe v. Wade on January 22, 1974, thousands gather on the West steps of the Capitol for an annual pro-life rally against abortion. The march was organized by March for Life. Many notable speakers including President George W. Bush, Alveda King and the parents of Terri Schiavo as well as members of Congress delivery speeches to the 250,000 attendees before the march. The 38th annual March for Life took place on January 24, 2011 with an estimated 400,000 in attendance still hopeful to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision.

5. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

Founded in March 1980, PETA is an animal rights organization based in Norfolk, Virginia with 2 million members and supports. The organization first gained the public’s attention in the Summer of 1981 during what was known as the Silver Spring monkey case. This dispute was based on the experiments conducted on 17 macaque monkeys. The case spanned over 10 years and included a police raid on an animal laboratory in the US, an amendment in 1985 to the US Animal Welfare Act and PETA became established as an internationally recognized organization. PETA has gained support from celebrities such as Alec Baldwin, Pamela Anderson, Drew Barrymore, Stella McCartney and Bill Maher. PETA’s campaigns are considered confrontational in nature and have caused concern however; they have also raised awareness to an estimated 85% of animals that are euthanized.

4. Selma to Montgomery Marches

The marches from Selma to Montgomery were an extension of the voting right movement in Selma, Alabama. The 3 marches in 1965 were at the political climax of the American Civil Rights Movement. Launched by local African Americans, Dallas County Voters League began voter registration work and when they met resistance by Caucasian voters, the assistance of Dr. Martin Luther King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference were requested. Many Civil rights and civic leaders joined in their effort to support African American voting right. The first march “Bloody Sunday” took place on March 7, 1965 and resulted in police attacks on 600 civil rights marchers. Dr. King then organized a second march to be held on March 9, 1965. Hundreds of people fueled by the televised images of Bloody Sunday, anger from the Montgomery Bus Boycott and Freedom Summer decided to assist Dr. King in his efforts. However when Judge Frank Minis Johnson issued a restraining order the marchers obeyed the order and did not march all the way into Montgomery. On March 21, the third march was assembled after Judge Johnson ruled in favor of the protestor on March 16th. The third march spread the message of equality without being met with violence or harassment and was a great success.

3. Million Man March

The Million Man March is another example of a peaceful demonstration. The first march was held on October 16, 1995 in Washington DC where social activists, civil right organizations including local chapters of the NAACP (National Association of the Advancement of Colored People) and the NAALS (National African American Leadership Summit) gathered around the National Mall under the leadership of Dr. Benjamin Chavis. The purpose of the march was to give the world a different image of the African American male and unite the African American communities in self-help and self-defense against the social and economic pressures of the world. Louis Farrakhan delivered the keynote address to the herds of African American men who stood to participate in this movement to gain the politicians attention for the issues faced by the urban and minority communities.

2. Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989

Also known as the June Fourth Incident, the Tiananmen Square Protests were a series of demonstrations around Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Starting April 15th 1989 the protest was initiated by the mourning of former CPC General Secretary Hu Yaobang. 100,000 people gathered at Tiananmen Square after his funeral and began demonstration to carry on Hu’s support for economic reform and liberalization. The movement was a series of non-violent protest in cities throughout China that lasted seven weeks. The protests were led mostly by students who wished to see the collapse of communist governments in Eastern Europe. By May 20th, Premier Li Peng declared martial law and on June 4th, troops used live fire to clear the protestors. An estimated several hundred civilian were killed just miles from Tiananmen Square. Following the mass deaths, the government began to arrest protestors and supporters around China.

1. Woodstock

This 3-day music festival held at a 600 acre dairy farm in Catskills New York may not be considered by most as a demonstration or protests of sorts however; this movement was noted as one of the most influential movements in popular music history. Woodstock was attended by 500,000 people who all shared in the ideal of growing in love and peace. The festival was unbelievably peaceful for the numbers of people in attendance and the conditions of those involved. Unfortunately there were 2 recorded deaths and 2 births. 32 acts performed at Woodstock Festival over the four day period. Since then, the town of Bethel voters aided in removal of their Supervisor because of his part in the Festival and the town then passed laws to prevent future festivals.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

UNISEL Dipolitikkan PKR?

Kumpulan mahasiswa Unisel, Aksi Mahasiswa Peduli (AKSI) mahu Jana Niaga Sdn Bhd (JNSB) yang menguruskan asrama Unisel agar mengutamakan kebajikan pelajar dengan menggunakan budi bicara mereka.
Kegagalan JNSB untuk menjaga kebajikan pelajar mungkin akan mengakibatkan pelajar berdemonstrasi.
“Jika pihak JNSB langsung tidak menghiraukan dan tidak bersimpati dengan kami selaku mahasiswa, kami tidak teragak-agak menggunakan saluran lain dengan mengumpulkan seramai mungkin mahasiswa dalam ertikata lain demonstrasi bagi membantah sikap JNSB yang membiarkan mahasiswa seperti gelandangan.
“Kami juga mendesak  Unisel  menyelesaikan masalah ini secara baik dan tidak mahu juga Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim lepas tangan begitu sahaja serta bertanggungjawab di atas kapasiti beliau selaku Menteri Besar Selangor dan jangan hanya duduk diam tanpa melakukan sebarang tindakan,” kata Setiausaha AKSI, Ekhsan Bukharee Badarul Hisham dalam satu kenyataan media hari ini.
Aksi menyeru agar isu sijil menduduki (CF) tidak dijadikan modal politik oleh mana-mana pakatan politik untuk menguntungkan kroni.
Mereka juga menyeru pihak – pihak berkaitan menyelesaikan perkara ini dengan segera.
“Di peringkat kami khususnya mahasiswa Unisel tidak mahu isu ini dipolitikkan atas dasar kepentingan politik terutamanya kepentingan kroni.
“Di peringkat AKSI sendiri mahu kedua-dua Unisel dan JNSB menyelesaikan isu ini melalui perbincangan kerana perjanjian yang telah ditandatangani sewaktu zaman bekas Menteri Besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo mensyaratkan Unisel membayar JNSB meskipun asrama tidak digunakan ketika musim cuti semester,” kata Ekhsan lagi.
Ekhsan berkata demikian ketika mengulas isu kegagalan Unisel membayar sewa asrama kepada JNSB.
Pada hari Jumaat, pekerja dan kontraktor JNSB telah berdemonstrasi dan menghalang pintu masuk Unisel.

Kesemua perkara ini bermula pada 5 Ogos apabila penuntut Kampus Bestari Jaya tidak dapat memasuki asrama untuk sesi pendaftaran 7 Ogos ini. Sila baca artikel ini:

Ribuan Pelajar Unisel Ditahan Masuk Asrama?


sumber: free malaysia today

Friday, 10 August 2012

Wikipedia BANGKITKAN isu perkauman INDIA??

Penulis tiba-tiba digemparkan dengan isu nama Atlit TaekWonDo Malaysia M.Vasugi dipadam dalam senarai Malaysia at the Olympics, Wikipedia.

Pelik jugak yer dalam masa setengah jam nama dipadam dengan begitu sahaja???

sorry ahhh tak clear sangat...

Ramai kawan-kawan penulis upload kat Facebook kat atlit kita dipinggirkan oleh sebab beliau INDIA????

cepat-cepat penulis google dan google dan google pasal isu ni dan terjumpa pulak jawapanya....

ada jugak bukti penulis cari jawapan kat atas tu..

rasanya ada cerita disebalik khabar angin ini.....

Taekwando hanya merupakan sukan demonstrasi. Oleh itu sukan yang tidak pertandingkan sebagai acara rasmi Sukan Olimpik, pungutan pingatnya tidak termasuk dalam senarai pungutan rasmi dan kerana itulah nama M Vasugi agak tenggelam berbanding pemenang-pemenang pingat lain di Olimpik.
"klik" here and "klik" here untuk bacaan lebih lanjut

bagi rakan-rakan yang kurang paham apa itu sukan demonstrasi, boleh lar rakan-rakan "klik" disini untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut.


Thursday, 9 August 2012

BERITA TERKINI! Timbalan Ketua Menteri II Pulau Pinang DIPECAT??

Info dalam artikel ini diperolehi dari sumber yang boleh dipercayai. Surat telah difaks oleh seorang penyokong DAP. Penulis menjemput mana-mana pihak yang mahu periksa ketulenan surat dibawah. Kalau ini dikatakan fitnah , sila saman. Terima kasih.

Penyokong DAP tidak berpuas hati dengan Timb Ketau Menteri II, YB Prof P.Ramasamy. Blogger terkenal kita menerima BUKTI surat yang dilampirkan dalam artikel ini melalui sumber , seorang penyokong kuat DAP dari Perai , Pulau Pinang (nama dirahsiakan atas permintaan) . 



sumber yang lebih terperinci, jangan tak baca disini..... "KLIK"

Monday, 6 August 2012

What has Raja Petra against Rosmah?

Referring to the statement given by Raja Petra on Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor going to London for the badminton finals played by our Malaysian Badminton Hero Datuk Lee Chong Wei seem to be disturbing him a lot (Raja Petra). I wonder what he has against Rosmah?

This is an article published in Harakah Daily on 17 Ramadan 1433 H | 6 August 2012. 

So what if Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah flies to London. Can i ask 1 simple logical question to whoever is against Datin Seri Rosmah flying to London to watch the Finals?

Why do you need to talk about taxpayers, dont you have the simple logical thinking that her flying cost might have been sponsored by the PM himself who is her husband? 
(assuming like Raja Petra)

I am strongly not satisfied with the statement gave by Raja Petra "Its okay if the Patron of BAM goes to London as long as it is not Rosmah".

I urge Raja Petra to explain further on his statement at the same time I dont want the crap reason about taxpayers.

Have a look at this!

Note this statement: "Everyone is assuming that the government paid for it"
so nobody including Raja Petra is not sure on who paid for the expenditures for Datin Seri to fly to London. It is just a mere assumption. Tell me people, can we listen to assumptions. Is that valid???

So dear Raja Petra we are waiting for your clarification and remember no more assumption!

ROSMAH vs WAN AZIZAH - Google Pilih Siapa?

"Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) harus diberi peluang dalam memainkan peranan dalam perkembangan negara", kata Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor, isteri kepada Perdana Menteri.

Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah juga menekankan supaya OKU tidak patut diabaikan tetapi harus diberi bimbingan untuk terus maju dalam kehidupan mereka.

Setiap orang daripada mereka (OKU) mempunyai bakat tersendiri dan Datin Seri menyarankan ibu bapa agar tidak meletakkan had dalam perkembangan anak-anak mereka. 

Datin Seri Rosmah bekata bahawa kanak-kanak OKU dapat menyumbang dalam mencapai visi negara jika dididik dengan cara yang betul. Beliau juga telah menyumbangkan RM 100 kepada setiap kanak-kanak OKU di Program BAKTI Semai di Kuala Lumpur.


Setelah menyunting berita diatas ini King Maker telah mendapat ilham untuk  membuat satu perbandingan antara Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor dan Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah menerusi Google Image.

alangkah terkejutnya blogger King Maker apabila mendapati perbezaan yang drastik apabila di taip
"wan azizah bersama kanak-kanak" dan 
"rosmah bersama kanak-kanak"!!!

Nak tengok apa yang blogger dapat???

kita tengok dulu "rosmah bersama kanak-kanak"

sekarang King Maker taip lar dengan slamber je 
                        "wan azizah bersama kanak-kanak" 

               terjumpa pulak yang ini...jangan terperanjat tau....


Sunday, 5 August 2012

Ribuan Pelajar Unisel Ditahan Masuk Asrama?

AIDCNews – 05/08/12 – Ketika Penasihat Ekonomi Selangor, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkempen mahu memansuhkan PTPTN dan memberi pendidikan percuma, Universiti Selangor (Unisel) sebuah universiti di bawah kerajaan kerajaan negeri terpaksa bergelut dengan bebanan hutang.
Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim seperti dilaporkan bernama mengakui mengakui permasalahan itu di mana Unisel tidak mampu membayar tunggakan kos penyelenggaraan dan operasi asrama untuk penginapan para pelajar yang diuruskan oleh syarikat Jana Niaga Sdn Bhd (JNSB).
Beliau berkata walaupun pelajar membayar yuran pengajian, namun masih tidak mencukupi untuk menjelaskan hutang itu kerana perjanjian menetapkan Unisel perlu membayar sewa penuh kepada JNSB walaupun ketika cuti dan penuntut tidak menetap di asrama.
Abdul Khalid berkata pendapatan universiti itu tidak cukup untuk membiayai kos pembinaan asrama yang berjumlah RM200 juta dan kampus yang berjumlah RM600 juta.
Bagaimanapun beliau berkata pendapatan Unisel masih mencukupi untuk membiayai gaji tenaga pengajar serta sistem pentadbiran asrama.
Mstar melaporkan kerajaan negeri Selangor akan mengambil alih hutang Unisel dan menyelesaikan hutang itu dalam tempoh terdekat.
“Unisel tidak mampu untuk membayar syarikat yang menguruskan asrama kerana peruntukan yang diterima pengambilan pelajar sahaja tidak mencukupi.
“Kerajaan negeri akan mengambil alih menyelesaikan masalah dalam tempoh terdekat,” katanya
Dilaporkan bahawa beribu-ribu pelajar tidak dibenarkan masuk ke asrama di universiti itu bermula Ahad lalu selepas Unisel gagal menjelaskan bayaran pengurusan kepada syarikat yang menguruskan asrama berkenaan.
Semalam, Timbalan Pengerusi Barisan Nasional (BN) Selangor Datuk Seri Noh Omar seperti dilaporkan bernama mendakwa Unisel berhutang hampir RM15 juta dengan Syarikat Jana Niaga Sdn Bhd (JNSB) yang bertanggungjawab membangun dan menguruskan kediaman penuntut di kampus induk universiti itu di Bestari Jaya, Kuala Selangor.
“Saya difahamkan Unisel sudah mengutip yuran daripada pelajar, tetapi kenapa tidak bayar kepada kontraktor (JNSB)? Mana pergi duit itu? Apabila tidak bayar selama beberapa bulan, dan jika kontraktor tutup asrama, yang jadi mangsa ialah pelajar.
“Ini jelas menunjukkan kelemahan kerajaan negeri Selangor, nak urus Unisel pun tidak reti, macam mana nak urus negeri. Menteri Besar Selangor dan Unisel kena jawab perkara ini, kalau benar-benar ikhlas, bayarlah hutang kontraktor dan jangan susahkan pelajar,” katanya.
Noh, yang juga Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas laporan akhbar berhubung isu kegagalan pelajar Unisel mendapatkan tempat tinggal di kampus induk bagi sesi pengajian yang bermula 7 Ogos ini berikutan penutupan pejabat operasi JNSB.
Masalah itu berlaku kerana Unisel didakwa tidak melunaskan yuran penyelenggaraan untuk 17 bulan dan bayaran asrama yang dikendalikan JNSB bagi tempoh lapan bulan.
Dalam pada itu, Noh mengulangi cabarannya kepada Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim agar mendedahkan laporan kewangan Unisel yang gagal dibentang pada persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor baru-baru ini.
“Sebelum ini, Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Permatang Sulaiman Abd Razak sudah bangkitkan dalam DUN bahawa dia ada bukti yang akaun Unisel sudahpun diaudit, tetapi Menteri Besar tidak boleh jawab, dan beliau tetapkan bulan ini (untuk beri penjelasan). Jadi, saya akan tunggu sampai hujung bulan ini, kalau dia gagal bentangkan pendapatan dan hasil Unisel, saya akan tolong bentangkan bagi pihak kerajaan negeri, saya dah ada laporan ini,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Ketua Bahagian Residen Komuniti JNSB Noor Ashikeen Mohd Stap ketika dihubungi menjelaskan tindakan menutup pejabat pengurusan asrama ketika sesi pendaftaran bermula adalah disebabkan pekerja syarikat itu tidak menerima gaji dalam tempoh yang lama sehingga menjejaskan urusan seharian.
Beliau berkata JNSB tidak berniat menimbulkan masalah dan meminta semua pihak memahami beban yang ditanggung syarikat itu berikutan tiada bayaran untuk melangsaikan gaji pekerja, lebih-lebih lagi pada bulan Ramadan, dan hanya tinggal beberapa minggu sahaja lagi umat Islam akan menyambut Aidilfitri.
“Memang ramai yang seolah-olah menyalahkan JNSB, tetapi hakikatnya, pihak pengurusan Unisel gagal melangsaikan tunggakan bayaran yuran penyelenggaraan bagi tempoh 17 bulan dan bayaran asrama yang dikendalikan JNSB untuk tempoh lapan bulan.
“Memang penuntut sudah membayar yuran asrama kepada Unisel, tetapi bayaran itu tidak sampai ke tangan JNSB, menyebabkan insiden ini berlaku,” katanya.
Noor Ashikeen berkata apabila masalah itu dibawa kepada pihak atasan JNSB, mereka tidak dapat memberi jaminan berhubung pembayaran gaji yang boleh dibuat dan beliau difahamkan sehingga kini, masih tiada perbincangan antara Unisel dan JNSB bagi mengatasi masalah tersebut.
“Pihak pengurusan Unisel mengambil sikap mendiamkan diri menyebabkan kami kian tertekan, dan keadaan itu menuntut kami untuk bercuti. Memang diakui sebelum ini, masalah yang sama turut berlaku sehingga pekerja gagal menerima gaji untuk tempoh dua bulan, namun akhirnya dibayar secara berperingkat.
“Namun kini, kesabaran kami sudah sampai ke kemuncaknya, dan apabila tiada jalan penyelesaian diambil, kami terpaksa menutup pejabat dan menunggu keputusan yang dibuat pihak atasan JNSB dan Unisel,” katanya.